Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama salutes Navy "corpse-man"

During his presidency, George W. Bush was the object of unrelenting attacks on his intelligence, his scholarship and his wordsmithery from the left.  Since Obama's election the elite media have slathered him with praise for his oratorical gifts and superior intelligence.  Although he famously had some difficulty with the word "nuclear," I'm fairly certain George Bush knew how to pronounce "corpsman." From today's National Prayer Breakfast:

Allahpundit at Hot Air remarks:
I can’t believe that a guy with a Harvard Law degree wouldn’t know how to pronounce “corps,” so I’m guessing some dumb staffer in charge of TOTUS decided to try to “help him out” by typing the phonetic pronunciation — incorrectly — into the machine. And in true Ron Burgundy fashion, O read it as is right off the ‘prompter. You stay classy, Navy corpse-men!

1 comment:

  1. There are some wits around the blogosphere saying that Obama actually slipped and let our enemies know that he has a secret zombie army created by the CIA. This is the guy who was supposed to make America loved again? If the world laughing at us is love, he succeeded.
