Monday, November 9, 2009

Tea Party Express rolls into Atlanta

The buses of the Tea Party Express arrived in Atlanta tonight to the cheers of the people gathered at the Georgia State Capitol.  I will leave it to others to estimate the crowd size, but I can say that it was substantial and continued to grow throughout the evening.  Patriots, young and old, turned out in solid numbers with wonderful props, unabashed enthusiasm and a shared resolve to take back our country.  Here are just a few examples:

The program featured impressive speeches by Deborah Johns and Mark Williams, and wonderful music from Lloyd Marcus, Diana Nagy and Rivoli Revue.  There was also a stirring testimony from Kenneth Gladney, the young man who was beaten by SEIU thugs in St. Louis at a town hall meeting for selling "Don't Tread on Me" flags.

The Tea Party Express moves on to Augusta, GA tomorrow, then to Beaufort, SC and Brunswick, GA.  Wednesday they will be in Daytona, FL and finish the cross country tour on Thursday in Orlando.  Visit the Tea Party Express website for more details.

1 comment:

  1. The crowd size was between 500 and 800 by my estimation...
